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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5AM  CBS  September 18, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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our had hard to leave the last week of summer. temperatures running: the normal. firefighters are mapping up after an early morning fire at a restaurant in alameda county. i'm here at the two liberal and san leandro. a fire roared through the restaurant at about 2:00 a.m.. it took 33 personnel
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about half an hour to knock down the flag which mother started in a dumpster in the back of the building. one firefighter was for a pretty badly. here's what battalion chief had to say about it. one officer was on the roof into letting in the state aid cut on his lower leg. the restaurant is going to be closed for the day. the fighter is under investigation brought the morning prayer reporting from san leandro. + class at moving protesters from justin herman plaza. occupied at the december and up the arm right. the plant at stake here throughout the morning pritzker tells me that it to do so but the occupied movement. the fact the suns in the occupied this are hoping to take at justin herman plaza. dozens of them
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into overnight rubicam about eight tents. this is despite a warning for san francisco police and to lead by 6:00 this morning and that's less than an hour but mel. the movement is the life and a card going anywhere. often does a lot of people here that are excited about staying and where to hold in this space. but rebuilding the camp that we had and continue to be the public presence. the city's celebration was more festive than combatant good the marchers of that financial district to the cause of good the chewed peacefully which is different from past occupied movement. at times it has been difficult to define and for some cities difficult to manage. yesterday's group reported no problems have about traffic. we want to make know
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that intense of here but a good police presence this year as well. on less than an hour police have warned of the half to lead this area. potestas said it planned to stay. left the his release certain documents related to last year's occupy protests primarily at the port of oakland. the agency said it found 37 pages of documents requested by the aclu. the documents and not disclose the final federal agents displayed in responding to the protest. other pieces were held for various reasons. telephony magazine has released a video of the incident pitch about 47 percent are either with him or leave their victims end of the government has the responsibility to care
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for them. beer and title to a half could food and housing. the think it's an entitlement and of the government should give it to them. so there will vote for this president a matter what. the video was shot at a florida fund-raiser back in may. romney is holding their route news conference yesterday his comments were not elegantly stated but he stood but a small to a smaller government to leave and instead and a free enterprise society. wasn't about this campaign promptly issued a statement saying it is our server and present when you disdainfully or written off half the nation. i have to tell you lawrence
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r. richey on to it in tennessee football? watt and one. run a bit too low clouds and fog will be back on shore along the coast right into the bay as well. it will be slow to clear when it does there will be sunny and thus wasn't. initially the beautiful mother of towards,. he said the sale of 72 in livermore. of 77 degrees in concord. what we want again before the end of summer? was called for the san mateo bridge why not. the spot was
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really backed up late in the morning yesterday. for right now your good to go. the was 92 on the right side of the screen 40 minutes out of a word to heaven towards foster city. some areas of order and at what would have been picked up. he was just picked up a lot 80 at torrance robber. what's not, unfortunately is these high with four road closure that love rich. scheduled to about love 530 this morning. west of highway four still looks good heading toward concord. at his north african branch is calling for more demonstrations and attacks on american the but the months to protest the anti is somebody that was made of the u. s. at least two people are dead after an attack by a female suicide bomber in kabul. police did the
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damage of a small sedan into a minibus carrying foreign aviation workers. eight of the victims were from south africa the other four were after and split a spokesman for another to the group claimed response ability say it's the response of to the same the list as assist in the military patrols with afghan patrols. until further notice most u.s. soldiers were not interact with the afghan counterparts but the decision comes after recent violence involving all afghan soldiers turning a cold since soldiers. how do on coalition soldiers have been killed in such attacks this year. police video shows the effort to save the u.s. ambassador to libya. a resident of the city shocked if the deal with this stuff on which shows a group of libyan strike to rescue chris stevens after finding him guilty of live inside the consulate. eventually drove him to our hospital where he was later pronounced dead. a big jump a plan to land in
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the american river. study get caught in the tree. a jump for the force the bridge and auburn of the make all the way down. now he's finally in trouble if or jumping off the highest rich in california and if, is hoping for signs of december to amend the was last seen traveling on a contract california zephyr train. this narrow was a retired firefighter kevin to follow a visit his family in montreal. he was thus in five days ago near omaha on the bus at at the conductor who said he appeared disoriented. if you was disoriented and wandered off he could of fallen and could be on the side of the tracks. nemesis was taking medication ft hard pines and diabetes. mid boarded that this effort in and review it and was scheduled to transfer trains in
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chicago. chris morris is retiring after spending the last two years as chief. and a total of 30 years on the force. after the announcement was made yesterday san jose city council member said he was disappointed because she's more had given the impression that he would remain for the mayor says he wishes the chief well and understands that this is a a personal decision. the chief retires in january he will have served for nearly two years as an as its top cop. he has 30 years of law enforcement and students and during his time as a chief he's had to do with budget cut spent include a levy of 65 officers last year and cutting the salary of the remaining officers by 10 percent. he downplayed speculation that he was being pushed up offshore that he was recovering before his $150,000
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pension and the $200,000 worth of six hunt would be reduced. the retiring chief admits that it will take time to work through the problems and working at san jose police department was the best fit for him. at the gun a lot places like and a bit happier. as for the crime wave their to be to mideast and at addressing the court issues in san jose. this account has seven parts of the session of four to be on the police response to the recent gang activity propounded in crime-prevention he will be in the san jose a 630. the city hopes to address some of that this evening.
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culture costa county officials will talk about what to do it there is a strike by the county's official public defenders and deputy district attorneys rather consider a walkout over a salary and benefit dispute. what offices have been this decimated and the county has cut back on compensation. if there's a strike will be to get results and not just publicity. it would allocate more than $90 million in public funds to secure a contract with shell energy north america. the bill says he considers the current plan to be too risky financially. his concern to many residents walked out instead of paying a large utility bill. the royal rumble heat up. the texas school go too far. what one mom says the paddling
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her son received as punishment was too extreme. the man behind the mask is now behind bars. how cops,,,,,,,
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have accused of committing
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robberies and north carolina were met wearing a pink as the mast is now behind bars. police arrested him last week and charged him several robberies of a convenience store. according sit at one point last week he pulled off robber is the 90 minutes. he crisscrossed the area grubbing cash and cigarettes. has a life of the bay bridge toll plaza no meeting light snow delay right now. you're trying to get into the city it looks pretty good all across the upper deck. all the approaches 550 this morning. we've got 05 this is our middle 5 ac transit camp. we put a camera on it is the transit bus and the traveling
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dumpy short freeway. it is still only about 80 minutes from the cockiness rich to the day. if you're heading into san francisco level soviet road closure. this tough market howard street is shut down between third and fourth. it causes some extra traffic tieups in that area. not scheduled to reopen so saturday september 22nd. ottawa at towards the macarthur been no delays if you're heading towards the local airport. we still have east of highway foreclosure. still waiting for word from caltrans woman or to pick out. i want some of those mobile
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kelso's are cool. when at some locations outside this morning. the measures running in the '50s of sight as we head towards the afternoon and will plan of some sunshine and those spots. the numbers running well below average. citizens 70's around the late and '50s and '60s out towards the coast. this war to continue to pump and some cool air. it's gonna keep temperatures done for the rest of summer was comes to an end on saturday. these temperatures will drop further. would like to see some delays that as a full this morning although nothing just yet. as a trouble across the country we have some storms making and their way through the new york area. some chicago
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lane and drug convictions and denver. should be pretty good into houston. 70's and toward senator's the low eighties run morgan hill 56 these east the temperature is still very pleasant. we're about 62 degrees below clearing in the temperatures stanko about 58 degrees in daly city. of approaches the coast and as we head towards the weekend in the first the form will be a cool one. to the court and friends of the publisher of the gossip magazine must stop using topless photos of kate middleton. the magazine, closer to publish 40 pictures of the duchess of cambridge today a judge blocked for the display included on the internet. it quoted. the
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magazine to handle your own digital images. the ruling does not affect other publications and other countries that also showed the pictures. the business segment of the lockout. union members are gathering to live in the strike. how the mayor has gone to court to try half the teachers forced to back to work. some tense moments aboard an american airlines flight from san francisco that landed in new york. an anonymous caller claimed there was an explosive device in a hijacked on board. the plan was given a complete search and found nothing suspicious. another flight from helsinki had to be inspected after similar threats were made about the plan. the cupertino company closed just 22¢ of the $700 mark yesterday. declined to $702 in
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after-hours trading. the seven the 7190. it's going by about six months since the apple stock reached a $600 billion mark. christina daddy says bob was hills school paddled her 13 year-old son so hard that he developed severe wealth and bruises. he was punished for receiving three consecutive zeros. a son was supposed to receive two swaps or paddles. when you paddle a child you pop they're behind you don't abuse them. this was abuse. a school district and reduce the district's state police and administrators determined that all procedures are properly followed. an olympian are rested and we have a mug shot. it is close at the plate and close on the scoreboard. we
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have a chance to have rockies who won the game. ,,,, a lot of people name their cars. mine should be sporty. maybe i'll give mine a name. something hot. ya know, i could name it the dragon, or the green machine. oh! i'm british racing green, actually. just to show i appreciate all...uh, turtle does. turtle?
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turtle gets me to work, to school... no, no, i'm a cool car. so i always fill up with chevron with techron. oh. well in that case, yeah, i am cool, after all. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car.
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to assure as men in the fifties of cited in a warm-up and nicely done. if you're committing a crescent moon and a bridge or the bay bridge or looking at 80. whenever road closure in san francisco that's been causing some major backups. a two-time olympic gold medal celeste in trouble up the wall is no order shown wide basis charges of vandalism and public intoxication. what is accused of pulling a fire alarm in destroying a phone at a hotel. he ended up in the hospital after he hit his head and police said what appeared to be drug was given the opportunity to sign misdemeanor citations. the san francisco
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giants magic number to the bench the division is that eight. on a plan stockton placenta bollandist six. the giants win and that was enough to beat the rockies to what must die. the wind. it's a pass to the running back who will foot back to the quarterback who fallback to the running back who walks on end. there was an nfl game on the last night it was denver against atlanta. what was the score? it was 2721 broncos lost. a recluse with a $7 million secret. the gun a month and and his
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broad and power to make a big real woman jury in which provincial mitt romney campaign in full time damage control. live in justin herman plaza it occupies were camped overnight police said after the minister's back up and leave.,,
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[ male announcer ] with all your car does for you, he really wants to hear those three little words: chevron with techron. care for your car. hadn't hothead inhibitors hi
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the golden did commit off to a great start so far. a look at more. bridges provincial occupy protesters are warned it could be removed soon from the site in san francisco. dozens of police power he will need to move in at any moment. and dozens of police may be ready to move and as you see behind me dozens of protesters are planning on staying. the holding the ground is that tens of dozens of protesters could what you're not seeing is them packing up a tense split of the others here have camped overnight continuing the celebration. this despite a warning they got last night from san francisco police to leave by
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6:00 this morning that's less than 30 minutes from now occupies tell me they're bound to take back this campsite. we plan on holding our ground or exercising their first amendment rights. we have and services the there's a ordnance. we have documents saying that we couldn't assemble as a group on the chief of police. since there peacefully demonstrating it was more festive than attention driven. there were no problems reported with the exception of track it. as you can see this group is still sitting around not planning on leaving. this group still has less than 30 minutes to leave the area. here planning to stay. new video that was secretly
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recorded with men romney sent out 47 percent of americans are dependent upon the government. he was speaking at a 50 dozen dollar a plate fund-raiser in florida this meant one some secretly recorded the talk. who believes the current title to health-care to food to housing to getting the best. they think the government should give it to them. so they will vote for this president no matter what. romney held a news conference yesterday admitting his comments were not elegantly stating. do you believe in government centers to study that provides more more benefits or do believe instead it and a free enterprise society? president obama's campaign promptly issued a statement
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saying it's hard to say airbus president for all americans when you disdainfully runoff half the nation. president obama's at himself dealt with a similar situation during his first campaign. we've been asking at what's your reaction to run these victims comments he brought in that he is clearly out of touch with more than 47 percent of the nation. all he cares about are his political cronies and the wealthy. why should he apologized so many americans believe they're the victims and the voter assistance. you can also find the entire recording from the magazine on cbs last half website. a firefighter is heard this
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morning. he was caught while battling a restaurant but in san leandro. i'm here to to keep the growth in san leandro a fire with through the restaurant or want to at 8:00 a.m.. it took 33 personnel about a half hour to a block down the far. a modest cut in the dumpster in the background one firefighter was the pretty badly and this is what battalion chief had to say. we have one of lobsters that was on our roof ventilating and he sustained a pretty good cut on his lower leg. this does is still investigating of scorn on. the party will be under investigation for up the morning. it was a little new to this morning. summer's coup winding down
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now. we still can't get a nice temperatures that we shall have this type of year. low clouds and fog outside. it will take some time to clear things up. temperatures will stay down once again. to choose men in the fifties outside the store had around the bay area will find some sunshine but this afternoon. seven women. some did suit in san jose's east the numbers up in the '70s this is the '80s in words towards. 62 degrees in san francisco since the inception of sausalito so far everything is looking great. it's been really quiet so far since the start of a commute. it is so early but at 535 this morning. a look cycas
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pretty close to the university cabinet over crossing. so far 80 minutes on west at 80 from the cockiness rich and amazed. however street remains closed between couldn't or street compared. our street clothes between third and fourth street. that will be shut down all week long and there are detours in play split. the north african branch of the cut is calling for more demonstrations and attacks on american diplomat said the protests and and that is on video that was made in the west. at least 12 people are dead after an attack by a female
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suicide bomber in kabul. police said the bomber drove a small sedan into a minibus carrying foreign in the asian workers. eight victims were from south africa and the other for what afghans. it's in response to the same video that ridicules the profit muhammed. the u.s. as suspended u.s. patrols with afghan soldiers. but soldiers will not in iraq with the afghan counterparts. 51 coalition soldiers have been killed in such a tax this year. into this video shows the effort to save the u.s. ambassador to libya who was badly injured in last week's attack on libya conflict. it shows a group libyans trying to rescue chris stevens after finding can barely alive inside the consulate. the drove him to hospital where he was later
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pronounced dead. the police chief of san jose and will soon turn and his badge. he's retiring after two years as the top cop in 30 years on and the force. some so that she forced retirement or the timing of it isn't good for this city. san jose has had a late summer crime wave. there's some more well in the police department. what a cheap it retires in january he will have served nearly two years as serve as is called,. he's had to deal with budget cuts and layoffs and the san jose police department. 65 officers were laid off last year and the chief also cut the salary of the remaining officers but 10 percent. the dumplings and speculation that he is being pushed out of office or that he was retiring before his $150,000 pension and nearly
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$200,000 worth of and use the time would be reduced. as for the recent crime that has plagued the city the chief admits that it will take some time to work for the issues. is where the tops what number were to take a couple of years to get through the top arts. it's gonna be very difficult but for me and my family 30 years is plenty. the center is a city council and the police union up gobs over the perception of a crime in the city. tonight of the two meetings to address: issues pinsetters eight. no be a steady session approval on police response at to kent activity. the police union and soo the groups will hold a crime- prevention many obese as a a 630 this evening. half contra costa county
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officials will work on contingency plans in case of a strike in the criminal-justice system. the public defenders and this deputy district attorneys are well prepared to walk out over a salary and benefit disputes. if the strike will stay on until they get results and not just stuck in water to the walkout. the search continues for a retired firefighter. he was last seen traveling at amtrak's california's upper tray. who is from san mateo and traveling from who dissent montreal a he was soon in omaha on the bus by a conductor who says he appeared is oriented. he was taking medication for heart problems and diabetes. he boarded that suffered and was scheduled to transfer trains instant hot. the new order for the magazine that published the tense moments as a california jury stored
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,,,, been shopping so smart, cash back with your freedom card getting cash back on what? close shave and haircut fan for the ceiling. you're gonna cool off that hoooounddd! tonight you gotta get your cash back, on new slacks.
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use freedom on lunch with jack. everybody get! everybody get! get your cash back.
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>> here is something fun that happened, a couple of kids up at yankee stadium in the middle of the game between the second and
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third innings i believe decided they would have sex. so they did, and, honestly, are you sick of the royal family? >> that is tough. load. the court in france ordered the publisher of that gossip magazine to stop using the topless photos of kate middleton >> the magazine called closer published photos of the duchess with a long-range camera lens. today the judge blocked further display on the internet and ordered the magazine to hand over all digital images but it does not affect publications and other countries that have also some that pictures. it has been four years since one of the most dramatic parts of history >> chilled schlesinger from
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money watch, remind us exactly what happened four years ago this week >> on september 5, 2008 bankamerica announced it was buying a merrill lynch right before was basically about to go broke. lehman brothers filed for bankruptcy on the same day. the following day the government bailed out aig and a huge money market fund traded below $1 per share. then the first version of park was submitted an overnight goldman sacks and morgan stanley became bank holding companies. all of these events were in one week, it was crazy. >> where do we stand now? >> the economy and the banking system are no longer perched on the press of this of disaster. not so good, the recovery continues to be slow going. that is why last week the fed announced the measures for economic growth. at the center of the financial
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crisis, housing. the jobs market is feeling but at a snail's pace. park turned out into a very different plan, the aig commitment of 85 actually went up to $182 billion. amazingly, the treasury says it will probably recouped all of the bailout money from aig but not so rosy for fannie mae and freddie mac or gm. those companies 0 the government over $160 billion. stocks are trading about 15-20% higher today but that does not mean you should be complacent. on monday watch we highlight investment portfolios for all seasons. now is a great time to rebalance your portfolio. >> stormy weather has once again postponed a final flight of the
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retired space shuttle in denver. a boeing 747 is now scheduled to carry the shuttle from florida to southern california tomorrow morning, two days later than scheduled. it is set to conduct low-level flyovers over the bay area before landing in l.a. on friday. it will eventually be displayed at the california science center in l.a. >> we have to clear out the low clouds and fog and i think we will see clouds in the morning so hopefully the shuttle will be here in the afternoon. right now we have low clouds and fog, moving well on shore in some of the valleys. temperatures generally in the fifties. temperatures cooler than average for this time of year. inside the day you will find '60s and '70s. temperatures are running below average for this time of year no
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delays just ahead at sfo if you're headed across the country, watch out dry weather in denver. as you head to the south bay, low 80s towards morgan hill. the next couple of days as we look towards the last week of summer we will keep temperatures running well below average and we may cool things down even further with clouds come in our way as we head towards the first day of fall. >> it is getting busier at the
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bay bridge toll plaza. if you are heading into san francisco there have been some huge traffic tieups around howard street where they have that closure for the technology conference. the tours are in place. it has been causing kind of a mess especially for the evening commute. westbound 580, a live look at some pretty busy to meet conditions. brake lights all the way out towards livermore. now we are seeing some super slow traffic sensors through antioch. everything actually looks pretty good around concord. down the cardenas bridge, slow,
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about 18 minutes from the cardenas bridge to the maze. a stall on westbound interstate 80. according to chp is blocking one lane. otherwise, no major brake lights. we're not seeing much for overnight road work. a lot of drive time sensors still picking up top speeds. coming up we will give you a check of mass-transit on this tuesday morning. >> the time now is 550. at 95 years old he still knows how to handle a tennis racket. how the oldest tennis player in the world stays so young >> it's surprising secret hidden inside a man's parking garage. the bay area of women who will the bay area of women who will inheriokay, what'ya havin?
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i'll have the build your own burger with a... sunny-side up egg, jack cheese, jill. and, uh... make it a double. inspiration can come from anywhere.
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to meet the needs of my growing business. but how am i going to fund it? and i have to find a way to manage my cash flow better. [ female announcer ] our wells fargo bankers are here to listen, offer guidance and provide you with options tailored to your business. we've loaned more money to small businesses than any other bank for ten years running. so come talk to us to see how we can help. wells fargo. together we'll go far.
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>> low clouds and fog have moved back over overnight. temperatures will be cooler than normal towards the afternoon and we will talk more about it coming up >> getting busy towards the bay bridge. look at the delays right now in the cash lanes. we're seeing some brake lights through livermore and coming through the altamont pass so coming up will give you a look at the drive times and mass- transit. >> a san rafael woman could have a pot of gold waiting for her in nevada. a 69 year-old man recently died in carson city. realtors and neighbors help
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clean out his house and came upon a stack of curious boxes >> we thought it was ammunition but we opened it up and it was a rolls of $20 gold pieces. i have never seen that much gold in my life or coins that old >> it took a wheelbarrow to get it all out. it actually weighs enough to be worth at least $7 million. the age of the points means it is probably worth a lot more. there is only one surviving relative, a cousin who is reportedly a substitute teacher. >> i think i hear her clapping right now >> take a look at a man who is believed to be the world's oldest involved in competitive tennis. >> he is from argentina and is 95 years old. he takes the train to the athletic club three days per week and has captured second place in his age bracket playing against a much younger tennis
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players in their 80s. he says the keys are eating well and staying active. >> i hope i'm still hanging around at 95. >> new backlash for mitt romney campaign. the hidden camera, and revealing about how he feels about half of americans >> cruz and knocked out a fire in the east bay, out firefighter ended up in the hospital >> just moments ago, police have gone into this occupy can't and warned protesters to a lot of people name their cars. mine should be sporty. maybe i'll give mine a name. something hot. ya know, i could name it the dragon, or the green machine. oh! i'm british racing green, actually. just to show i appreciate all...uh, turtle does. turtle? turtle gets me to work, to school... no, no, i'm a cool car. so i always fill up with chevron with techron. oh. well in that case, yeah, i am cool, after all. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car.
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>> we're live at justin herman plaza where san francisco police have moved into this occupy camp and said move or we will help you move. more details in just a few
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minutes. >> mitt romney under fire for candid comments he made at a closed-door fund-raiser >> a lot of clouds around the bay area this morning but temperatures will stay fairly cool. >> we have an accident and a stalled vehicle coming down the shore freeway in the commute direction. >> good morning everyone, it is tuesday september 18th. >> the time now is almost 6:00. it could happen at any time now >> police are ready to move protesters out of herman plaza. kate has been there all morning long in san francisco were occupied activists have been camped out but not for long >> that is exactly right. just a few moments ago we saw police move in and advise these protesters that they do in fact need to take down their shelters by 6:00 this morning where they will help them


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